Data's Jokes

20 Ways To Handle Stress

20 Ways To Handle Stress

  1. Jam tiny marshmellows up your nose and try to sneeze them out.
  2. Use your Visa to pay off your Mastercharge.
  3. When someone tells you to "Have a nice day," tell them you have other plans.
  4. Mail yourself an anonymous love letter.
  5. Make a list of things you've already done.
  6. Towel dance naked after the shower in front of your pet.
  7. Fill out all forms today using roman numerals.
  8. Mail a large letter using one cent stamps.
  9. Leaf through the National Geographic and draw underware on the natives.
  10. Stop at Dillards. Buy everything. Sweat in it. Return it the next day.
  11. Put Alka-Seltzer tablets under your tongue before a meeting.
  12. Pay your bills in pennies.
  13. Drive to work in reverse.
  14. Listen to Lawrence Welk albums at 45 rpm.
  15. Read the dictionary upside down and try to find secret messages.
  16. Start a cereal box collection.
  17. Stare at people through a fork and pretend they are in jail.
  18. Make up a language and ask people for directions.
  19. Smear yourself with caramel and make popcorn with the lid off.
  20. Bill your doctor for the time you spent in the waiting room.

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