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Richard Bach
By Richard Bach
ISBN 0-440-20657-X
ISBN 0-025-04670-5 (Hardcover Edition)
What would convince a man to trade a perfectly good cross-country aircraft, with enclosed cockpit, dual com and nav radios in a full instrument system, for a 1929 vintage open cockpit biplane that doesn't even have an electrical system? After you read this book you will no longer ask why, but why not?
Richard Bach flew to North Carolina and traded his cross-country cruiser for a 1929 Detroit-Ryan Speedster, model Parks P-2A. He then flew his new biplane home to California. From one ocean to the other, this story is about travelling back in time to when the FAR's could be stuffed in one pocket of your jacket, a very small pocket.
This book was written by a pilot to a pilot. This is one of Bach's early works. And it has more of the pilot than the philosopher in it's pages. If you've ever looked at a biplane and wondered, "What if…" this is the book for you.
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